Am I evil, do without blessing
Slaughter the victim, slaying for victory
Taking your life, we are heathen
Kill by instinct tear your soul
Sacrificing to his might
Draining your life, feast on your blood
Crushing your skull, tear of your limbs
Eating the flesh, we are pagans
Kill by....
I am evil, own by my lord
Bewitched by him, paying my tribute
Evil ritual, in his name

Being afraid, why do I care
Feeling s that I�ve lost, I don't remember you.
Why do you take my life, why feeling so much anger
Running to hide, locked up inside your soul
Hatred are running so deep inside of you
Forced by you to take our lifes
Live in an empty soul
Read beetween your lies
Dreams of you, forced to kill
Holding you in my hands, wanting to live our lifes.

Feel the pain inside envolves your mind
Taking your soul from the resting body
Torture makes him free
His mind drives him insane
His instinct tells him no
Live a life in sorrow, kills his mind
With tears in his eyes
tells a story of memories, in the past
Fear of pain from cells of torture
Victimized by a false way of life
Fear of dreams, comes in the night
Embraced by cold face of death
Feeling drives him to kil
Catched by the rythm to kill
Catched to kill

Master of reality
Time passe by as I wlak by the edge of sanity,
memories is going to take control over my mind,
its going to bring me down.
I am waiting for him to come and release me,
for I have been waiting to long for it to come back
Master of reality, changes it for eternity.
He will taunt my dreams for you,
never things will be the same.
Things that we regret will he take back
he is the master if insanity.
Obey his orders, obey his words.
He is gonna make us feel sadness
He will come back and possess us

I take your life, you want my death
I kill all, life, they take his mind
I cut your head of, I pick your eyes out
I want your soul, they live outside your blood
I wish you were dead
I want your soul
I want your life
I drive you insane
I will take your mind, you e�will go insane
I am going to kill the pain, cry to me tell your lies
I cut your throat, draining your body out of blood
I will take your body, you will wish you never lied to us
I wish you were dead
I want your soul
I want your life
I drive you insane

Why do you hate my life, you will never get my soul
Don't you have any feelings left, is it my life that you want
Leave everything you'll nothing get, can you not see my feelings.
Hiding in the mist of night, scream in anger, lost all control
You want to things to be this way, try to look at the other side
Fight for your destiny, for our life, waiting for a hell of life
Embraced by the face of death, memories lost in my control
Falling from tales of horror, reach out for an end of my life
Your mind is driving me insane, die for your belief

Taking it all so easy forgetting what has happened
People that know how it is don't care of what's happened
Sceared for a life hiding behind closed doors
Always hurt by some feelings he was only searching for a friend
Things that has been lost will never comeback
Left alone for a mindless game
Fragmented pieces of insanity, takes control over his mind
Thougth about suicide to take control over his life
Friends of life care's of nothing else
Life in insanity, looking for someone who'll cares
Feelings that never comes, misery of sadness
Suicide or is it murder, who'll think of an accident
Did anyone knw him how he was
Somebody lost a friend, someone lost a beloved one
Fragmented pieces .....

Your Rasism
I wont fead, I dont need, I dont lead your rasism
fuck your mind your insane
I wont fead, I dont need, I dont lead your rasism
fuck your mind your insane
I wont fead, I dont need, I dont lead your rasism
Why are you fighting the black ones, we are all made by the same way
can you feel my hate to you, cause you are a motherfucking rasist
I wont fead, I dont .......
Dont you try to tell me otherwise, I'm made to have right all the time
You can't destroy the whole life, for a man that isn't your color
I wont fead, I dont .......
I don't need to give you an answer, cause white and black are gonna live forever
You don't need to explain to us, cause we are Zazozora